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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v7.1.0
    22dd4da3 · Set version to 7.1.0 ·
    ArduinoJson 7.1.0
    * Add `ARDUINOJSON_STRING_LENGTH_SIZE` to the namespace name
    * Add support for MsgPack binary (PR #2078 by @Sanae6)
    * Add support for MsgPack extension
    * Make string support even more generic (PR #2084 by @d-a-v)
    * Optimize `deserializeMsgPack()`
    * Allow using a `JsonVariant` as a key or index (issue #2080)
  • v7.0.4
    36e1eecc · Set version to 7.0.4 ·
    ArduinoJson 7.0.4
    * Make `JSON_STRING_SIZE(N)` return `N+1` to fix third-party code (issue #2054)
  • v7.0.3
    848c0cdc · Set version to 7.0.3 ·
    ArduinoJson 7.0.3
    * Improve error messages when using `char` or `char*` (issue #2043)
    * Reduce stack consumption (issue #2046)
    * Fix compatibility with GCC 4.8 (issue #2045)
  • v7.0.2
    0435945a · Set version to 7.0.2 ·
    ArduinoJson 7.0.2
    * Fix assertion `poolIndex < count_` after `JsonDocument::clear()` (issue #2034)
  • v6.21.5
    40ee05c0 · Set version to 6.21.5 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.21.5
    * Fix warning `function returns incomplete class type` on IAR (issue #2001)
    * Fix `volatile bool` serialized as `1` or `0` instead of `true` or `false` (issue #2029)
    * Remove unused files in the PlatformIO package
  • v7.0.1
    94783fdd · Set version to 7.0.1 ·
    ArduinoJson 7.0.1
    * Fix "no matching function" with `JsonObjectConst::operator[]` (issue #2019)
    * Remove unused files in the PlatformIO package
    * Fix `volatile bool` serialized as `1` or `0` instead of `true` or `false` (issue #2029)
  • v7.0.0
    9dc43d14 · Set version to 7.0.0 ·
    ArduinoJson 7.0.0
    * Remove `BasicJsonDocument`
    * Remove `StaticJsonDocument`
    * Add abstract `Allocator` class
    * Merge `DynamicJsonDocument` with `JsonDocument`
    * Remove `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_STRING_DEDUPLICATION` (string deduplication cannot be disabled anymore)
    * Remove `JsonDocument::capacity()`
    * Store the strings in the heap
    * Reference-count shared strings
    * Always store `serialized("string")` by copy (#1915)
    * Remove the zero-copy mode of `deserializeJson()` and `deserializeMsgPack()`
    * Fix double lookup in `to<JsonVariant>()`
    * Fix double call to `size()` in `serializeMsgPack()`
    * Include `ARDUINOJSON_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE` in the namespace name
    * Remove `JsonVariant::shallowCopy()`
    * `JsonDocument`'s capacity grows as needed, no need to pass it to the constructor anymore
    * `JsonDocument`'s allocator is not monotonic anymore, removed values get recycled
    * Show a link to the documentation when user passes an unsupported input type
    * Remove `JsonDocument::memoryUsage()`
    * Remove `JsonDocument::garbageCollect()`
    * Add `deserializeJson(JsonVariant, ...)` and `deserializeMsgPack(JsonVariant, ...)` (#1226)
    * Call `shrinkToFit()` in `deserializeJson()` and `deserializeMsgPack()`
    * `serializeJson()` and `serializeMsgPack()` replace the content of `std::string` and `String` instead of appending to it
    * Replace `add()` with `add<T>()` (`add(T)` is still supported)
    * Remove `createNestedArray()` and `createNestedObject()` (use `to<JsonArray>()` and `to<JsonObject>()` instead)
  • v6.21.4
    38441691 · Set version to 6.21.4 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.21.4
    * Fix error `'std::string' has not been declared` (issue #1967)
    * Fix error `'std::string_view' has not been declared` (issue #1967)
    * Fix error `no instance of overloaded function...` on recent IAR compilers (issue #2001)
  • v6.21.3
    4b007833 · Set version to 6.21.3 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.21.3
    * Fix compatibility with the Blynk libary (issue #1914)
    * Fix double lookup in `to<JsonVariant>()`
    * Fix double call to `size()` in `serializeMsgPack()`
    * Include `ARDUINOJSON_SLOT_OFFSET_SIZE` in the namespace name
    * Show a link to the documentation when user passes an unsupported input type
  • v6.21.2
    420221f0 · Set version to 6.21.2 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.21.2
    * Fix compatibility with the Zephyr Project (issue #1905)
    * Allow using PROGMEM outside of Arduino (issue #1903)
    * Set default for `ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_PROGMEM` to `1` on AVR
  • v6.21.1
    cb850bc1 · Set version to 6.21.1 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.21.1
    * Double speed of `DynamicJsonDocument::garbageCollect()`
    * Fix compatibility with GCC 5.2 (issue #1897)
  • v6.21.0
    de9239ca · Set version to 6.21.0 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.21.0
    * Drop support for C++98/C++03. Minimum required is C++11.
    * Remove `ARDUINOJSON_NAMESPACE`; use `ArduinoJson` instead.
    * Make string support generic (issue #1807)
  • v6.20.1
    b33966c7 · Set version to 6.20.1 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.20.1
    * Remove explicit exclusion of `as<char*>()` and `as<char>()` (issue #1860)
  • v6.20.0
    5094b84a · Set version to 6.20.0 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.20.0
    * Add `JsonVariant::shallowCopy()` (issue #1343)
    * Fix `9.22337e+18 is outside the range of representable values of type 'long'`
    * Fix comparison operators for `JsonArray`, `JsonArrayConst`, `JsonObject`, and `JsonObjectConst`
    * Fix lax parsing of `true`, `false`, and `null` (issue #1781)
    * Remove undocumented `accept()` functions
    * Rename `addElement()` to `add()`
    * Remove `getElement()`, `getOrAddElement()`, `getMember()`, and `getOrAddMember()`
    * Remove undocumented `JsonDocument::data()` and `JsonDocument::memoryPool()`
    * Remove undocumented `JsonArrayIterator::internal()` and `JsonObjectIterator::internal()`
    * Rename things in `ARDUINOJSON_NAMESPACE` to match the public names
    * Add documentation to most public symbols
    * Remove support for naked `char` (was deprecated since 6.18.0)
  • v6.19.4
    67b6797b · Set version to 6.19.4 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.19.4
    * Add `ElementProxy::memoryUsage()`
    * Add `MemberProxy::memoryUsage()` (issue #1730)
    * Add implicit conversion from `JsonDocument` to `JsonVariant`
    * Fix comparisons operators with `const JsonDocument&`
  • v6.19.3
    7abf8750 · Set version to 6.19.3 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.19.3
    * Fix `call of overloaded 'String(const char*, int)' is ambiguous`
    * Fix `JsonString` operator `==` and `!=` for non-zero-terminated string
    * Fix `-Wsign-conversion` on GCC 8 (issue #1715)
    * MessagePack: serialize round floats as integers (issue #1718)
  • v6.19.2
    ef8379df · Set version to 6.19.2 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.19.2
    * Fix `cannot convert 'pgm_p' to 'const void*'` (issue #1707)
  • v6.19.1
    6ea28153 · Set version to 6.19.1 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.19.1
    * Fix crash when adding an object member in a too small `JsonDocument`
    * Fix filter not working in zero-copy mode (issue #1697)
  • v6.19.0
    9693fd2d · Set version to 6.19.0 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.19.0
    * Remove `ARDUINOJSON_EMBEDDED_MODE` and assume we run on an embedded platform.
  • v6.18.5
    f82a227d · Set version to 6.18.5 ·
    ArduinoJson 6.18.5
    * Set `ARDUINOJSON_EMBEDDED_MODE` to `1` on Nios II (issue #1657)